Famous lists

Lists of high-value contacts and companies, curated by our community

1000 YC Founders

Engage with YC Founders.

Famous People

All Decision Maker regarding Startup and Venture Studio in the world

Engage with all decision maker regarding Startup and Venture Studio in the world

Famous People

B2B CMO To Target For Agency Owners 💌

Engage with B2B CMOs.

Famous People

CEO who fundraised in the last 90 days (as of June 24)

Recent fundraising can be a good opportunity/time to reach out to drive business.

Famous People

CMO's on the moove

New CMOs that take their Job less than 6 months ago. Meaning it's the perfect time to pitch them your agency services 🤝

Famous People

CMOs in Germany

Made in collaboration with www.awork.com, where agencies organize prrojects and business - easily and efficiently.

Famous People

Corporate Innovation Leaders

Engage with Corporate Innovation Leaders.

Famous People

Exited Founders in Europe

All exited founders in Europe for the past 10 years, with their contacts information. 

Famous People

French CMOs

CMOs from French startups are all here

Famous People

French Founders

The ultimate list of French founders

Famous People

Freshly named CMOs in June 2024

When freshly named, budget is to be distributed...

Famous People

List of executives in GAFAM

The list of Executives working in GAFAM companies

Famous People

SaaStr Europa 2024 speakers

SaaStr Europa is among the best SaaS event. Discover more here

Famous People

Startup Advisors

Find the next advisors for your startups 🤝

Famous People

Stealth Mode Founders in 🇮🇳

Engage with Stealth Mode Founders in India.

Famous People

Stealth Mode founders in 🇺🇸

Engage with US Founders in Stealth Mode

Famous People

Stealth mode Founders in 🇪🇺

Engage with Stealth Mode Founders in Europe.

Famous People

Tech Partnerships Leader to Work With 🤝

Engage with B2B Tech Partnerships Leader.

Famous People

The 50 Most Promising African Startup Founders

Is Africa the next technology frontier? At least, these are the 50 founders making this more probable

Famous People

Top Executives at GAFAM

Looking to reach out executives at GAFAM for a project ? You can use this list.

Famous People

Top Growth Influencers by Elias Rubel

A list of the top growth influencers, curated by Elias Rubel, marketing expert and CEO of Matter Made.

Famous People

Top Heads of Growth in France by Jérémy Goillot

A list of the top Heads of Growth to watch out for in France, by Growth expert and Founder Jérémy Goillot

Famous People

Top founders creator on Linkedin

Who are the best founders sharing publicly their learnings on LinkedIn?

Famous People

🇫🇷 Chief of Staff list

French Chief of Staff list if you want to get in touch with them.

Famous People

🇫🇷 founders that raised funds in 2024

French founders that raised funds in 2024

Famous People

👑 Challenges 500

A list of the 500 biggest fortunes in France, collated by Challenges.

Famous People

💁‍♀️ The 100 Most Powerful Women List by Forbes

Who run the world? A list of the world’s top 100 most powerful women, ranked by Forbes.

Famous People

💪🏻 Classement Choiseul

The top 100 leaders under 40 from France and around the globe who are making waves in the world economy. List curated by the Choiseul Institute.

Famous People

💪🏻 The World's Most Powerful People by Forbes

It's the Forbes listing of the most powerful: the world's most powerful movers and shakers, consolidated into one forceful list.

Famous People

🙋 Most prominent Customer Success leaders by David Apple

A list of major players in the Customer Success space, by David Apple, who headed up Customer Success at Typeform and Notion.

Famous People

🤖 The World’s Top 50 Women in Tech by Forbes

A Forbes list of the top 50 influential women in the tech space. Remember these names!

Famous People