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User research
New email
Chuck Liu, Head of User Research a Chime

Hi there,

I’m contacting you because you’ve recently completed a questionnaire regarding a new feature in product.

Thank you for your help! We’re now ready to show you some wireframes and screenshot concepts of what we’ve built for feature.

You’d be one of the first people to see the concepts and eventually have access to your own {feature}. If you’re interested in looking at these wireframes and providing feedback, please fill out the following form so that I can schedule a time to speak with you: link to form

Thanks for your continued help.

We’re excited to share with you what we have coming and hope to make it even better with your feedback.


Your name

✍🏻 Want to see the new feature wireframes?

Tease exciting new features in your product and get valuable feedback. Use this user research email template to request an interview slot to show new wireframes, by by Chuck Liu, Head of User Research a Chime.

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